First World Problem Friday #4: Pants Without Pockets Are Super Annoying

I have a confession to make: I love pockets.  Nay, I adore them.  However, this only extends to pockets that you can actually PUT things in.  Froofy little pockets just for decoration or that are so small you can only put a quarter in them don’t count.

Therefore, it stands to reason that I can’t stand pants without pockets.  This is especially true when I want to work out.  If I’m going to the gym, I still want a place to put my phone and my keys, among other things.  Yes, I am aware that purses exist.  I just don’t much care for them.  I feel like one strap isn’t practical when you have small kids.  Purse straps are forever falling off my shoulder when I’m trying to tote my thirty pound screaming offspring somewhere.  Not good.  Therefore, pockets hold quite the place of importance in my life.

As an example of how much I love pockets, I found a pair of workout capris at Old Navy a few months ago.  When I tried them on and they fit perfectly AND had pockets, I went out of my way to track down an additional two pairs at another store.  I *only* bought three because they were out at every store!  They remain my absolute favorite workout bottoms, hands down.  I would buy more if I could.  (I *think* the amputee below is wearing the same capris I got, although mine are grey.  Image courtesy of; I do not claim ownership)

I love pockets for everyday life, like jeans and dressy pants, AND for the times when you just want to be comfy.  I am of course referring to pajama pants and loungy-around-the-house pants.  I cannot tell you the number of times I have browsed the clothing racks and found that every single pair of comfy pants doesn’t have pockets.  Pajama pants are especially guilty of this.  Now, you should know that I’m a pajama lover.  I adore pajamas.  The softer, the better.  However, the majority of those I own lack pockets.  I think we can all agree that there are some days you just want to be lazy and hang out around the house.  Maybe you don’t have anywhere to go, or you want some downtime, or perhaps there is inclement weather outside.  So you stay in your jammies!  If I’m doing that, I still want to have my phone in my pocket!  I think what I’m saying here is that I blame the majority of clothing companies for the sheer number of missed calls due to putting my phone elsewhere because I didn’t have pockets.  😉

Now, I know that there are those out there who love them some pants without pockets.  And who am I to deny them?  Therefore, I will not deny them!  I’m not suggesting that we do away with pockets-challenged pants; I simply wish for a selection of half and half.  Please, for the love of everything ever, give me more selection with pockets!!  That is all I ask!  Let people actually be able to get ahold of me.  They will thank you.

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3 Responses to First World Problem Friday #4: Pants Without Pockets Are Super Annoying

  1. Carolyn says:

    Sewing pockets into pants (I’m thinking yoga, workout or pajama type pants) is fairly easy. That is, assuming you have a sewing machine. If you gain this skill, just think of how you can glory in pockets!!

  2. Carolyn says:

    Ooh, check this out!
    How To Sew In Side Pockets

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