Wicked Awesome Workout Wednesday #2: Workout: One-On-One Training With Jackie

So, dear readers, I have something to confess.  I am not much of a “follow this plan for 8-12 weeks” person.  I wish I were.  However, I find myself getting bored after a couple of weeks.  I crave variety in my workouts, or I know I won’t do them.  I need to work on sticking to certain programs for longer than that, I know!  I will try to improve.

Anyway, I wanted to share with you one of my old standbys when it comes to workout DVDs.  I had seen commercials for Workout! on Bravo starring Jackie Warner back in 2008 (when we still had cable), and I knew enough about her to know that she was a very in-demand celebrity trainer.  So when I saw that she had come out (ha!) with a workout DVD that was actually affordable, I took a chance and bought it in early 2009.

Ladies and gents, I’m here to tell you that Workout: One-On-One Training With Jackie singlehandedly helped me lose the baby weight after Elise, my second, was born.  When Lacey was born, I was blessed to not have to do anything at all, and the weight just came off.  I still don’t know how that happened, but I was grateful for it!  A couple of months after my second was born, I realized that the weight was NOT going to come by itself, and that I needed to get my rear in gear!  Enter Jackie, stage left.  I started doing her workout a few times a week, eventually getting a buddy to do it with me sometimes, and it was just a few months before I was back down to my pre-baby weight.  I was hooked!  I have all of her other DVDs, but I still come back to this one time and time again.

There are three sections, and you can select all of them or mix and match, however you want to switch up your workout.  Each segment is 20 minutes, so if you only have a short amount of time, you can always fit in 20 minutes and still get your sweat on!  The sections are for arms, legs and core.  If you’re feeling ambitious, you can do all three at once, and, if you’re especially advanced, you can also use heavier weights.  What I especially liked about this DVD when I first started it was that even if I couldn’t do all of the exercises, I was able to see progress pretty soon after starting.  Some of the progress didn’t come until much later, but it will come if you stick with it!  An example of this is the side plank.  When I first tried to do it, I was like, “WOMAN, YOU CRAY-CRAY!!”  I seriously thought it could not be done (by me, at least…obviously the people on the DVD were doing it just fine!).  Well, it took a long time, but I can finally do a side plank and have my knee off the ground!  People, you should have seen me trying to do it at first.  Jackie would have laughed her head off.  I have now triumphed, however!  People may still be laughing at me at the gym, but I don’t see them doing it, so who cares!  🙂

As always, feel free to share your workout plans this week!

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5 Responses to Wicked Awesome Workout Wednesday #2: Workout: One-On-One Training With Jackie

  1. Good to know about Jackie’s DVD’s. I’ve always been a Jillian girl myself, but watched Workout when it was on Bravo and thought she was pretty hardcore as well. I also get bored so easily, so maybe a new face and new routine will help me lose the extra holiday weight I am sure to put on. 🙂

  2. Michelle says:

    I love 30 Day Shred, but like you, I don’t ever stick to one program for more than 2-3 weeks. I may have to try this one. I like the idea of having separate workouts that target different areas. Right now my main focus is my core. My abs are the weakest they’ve ever been. They were super stretched out after this last baby and have never been the same. I hate that I’ve lost 30 lbs and still look 5-6 months pregnant. Anyhooo…Thanks for the recommendation. Also, after reading this post I feel a surge of motivation coming on. So double thanks. 😀

    • Michelle says:

      I have one question before I make a total impulse buy and purchase this right this second. Is the instructor tolerable to listen to and watch? I don’t care how good of a workout it is, if the instructor is annoying I just can’t do it. 😀

      • You are very welcome! Jackie is actually just fine to listen to. She’s not annoying. I will say here and now that I will never endorse a Denise Austin workout on this blog! She seems super nice, and I’m sure she is, but I cannot get past all the cheerleading and “you can do it!!” said in a sugary-sweet voice…plus, it’s constant chatter. I think some workout instructors feel like they have to talk every second, and they just don’t. There’s a fine line, people! So yes, Jackie comes with my full recommendation, and I hope you like it!

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